Digitalisation is rapidly transforming the healthcare system and has a far-reaching impact on biomedical research and practice. The upcoming era of “digital health” is associated with a variety of potentials, but also with new ethical challenges.

What we do

We strive to systematically strengthen competencies in dealing with the challenges of digital health from a practical and theoretical perspective. As an interdisciplinary field, medical ethics encompasses three aspects: First, medical ethicists are involved in teaching medical, nursing, dental students or other health professionals. Medical ethics is an integral part of the medical school curriculum and many other health-related courses. Secondly, medical ethicists are engaged in the study of fundamental aspects related to values in health care in order to clarify and reflect on normative judgements in the context of health. Finally, they act as consultants in the context of biomedical research and clinical ethics. The overall aim is to contribute to good and equitable health care. However, resources are often scarce when addressing the challenges of digitalisation. For example, few educational institutions have a comprehensive infrastructure to provide training in this area. As a result, emerging fields such as digital medicine and health are often not included in curricula. Similarly, good research requires excellent interdisciplinary skills and knowledge, as well as good networking with researchers from different neighbouring fields. DiMEN will develop momentum in all three areas. It is about systematic strengthening and networking in order to be equipped for the tasks of the future.

Initiatives in research, teaching and consultation

DiMEN develops formats for teaching and professional education.

DiMEN develops a research hub for questions of digital medical ethics.

DiMEN is testing and developing methods to support practical clinical ethics work with digital tools and methods.

DiMEN is developing a curriculum to strengthen training at German and international universities, initiating a research hub for basic research, networking and qualification of scientists and testing digital services for ethics counselling under the changed requirements of digitalisation. Further activities are planned for the exchange with interest groups and stakeholders, science communication and the promotion of young scientists. To increase visibility and raise public awareness, all activities are accompanied by science communication measures.