Das Digital Medical Ethics Network veranstaltet vom 19. – 23. Februar die Master Class “Data Justice in Healthcare” Als Teil dieser Veranstaltung freuen wir uns über zwei öffentliche Vorträge
Public Lectures: "Data Justice in Healthcare"
Montag, 19. Februar 2024, 18.15 Uhr
Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30, 72070 Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Linnet Taylor
Professor of International Data Governance Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT)
Data Justice as a guide for governance: finding ethical paths through a datafying world
This talk outlines the theory of data justice in its current stage of evolution, as a political and an academic project. Linnet Taylor explores how these two interact, what they mean for applying a data justice perspective to problems in particular domains, and what the challenges are to doing so. She will, then, make the case that approaches informed by a data justice perspective usually do not fit well with current modes of governing, and that this is a positive challenge that requires the involvement of new actors and interests in governing digital resources. Finally, she will take the health domain during the pandemic as a case study to explain how a data justice approach can challenge the un- and re-making of public service provision in the interests of for-profit actors, and how it can sensitise us to this process when it is normalised and invisibilised.
Montag, 22. Februar 2024, 18.15 Uhr
Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30, 72070 Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Sven Nyholm
Professor for Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Data Justice in Healthcare: Trade-Offs, Basic Concepts, and the Human Brain Project as a Case Study
What is data justice in healthcare? In this presentation, Sven Nyholm will first discuss the difference between ethics more generally and justice more specifically. He will then relate this distinction to data in healthcare and health research. While doing so, he will discuss the issue of trade-offs or apparent trade-offs between opposing goals, such as overall utility and the privacy of particular patients. Sven Nyholm was a member of the Ethics Advisory Board of the Human Brain Project during the last three and a half years of this enormous tenyear EU-funded project, which ran between 2013 and 2023. During my talk, Nyholm will relate the more abstract issues which will be discussed to some of the practical issues related to data justice that came up during the final years of the Human Brain Project.